목록안드로이드스튜디오 (5)
Stack Building
https://teamnova0410-dev.tistory.com/2 불러오는 중입니다... 요약: 보통 실수 때문에 발생하니까 오타 확인해보고 없으면 리빌드
https://paskov.vmsoft-bg.com/recompile-with-xlint-in-android-studio/ Recompile with -Xlint in Android studio - Life of a software developer Staying out of deprecated methods is useful, so your app won't run in some compatibility mode on the device. Plus having clean build output is also nice :) While building an app, Gradle may produces some warnings telling you that some input files are using p..
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36484074/is-shouldoverrideurlloading-really-deprecated-what-can-i-use-instead Is `shouldOverrideUrlLoading` really deprecated? What can I use instead? Is "shouldOverrideUrlLoading" really deprecated? If so, what can I use instead? It seems like shouldOverrideUrlLoading is deprecated targeting Android N and I need to make an app work since API 19... stackoverfl..
코딩 오류: 방향 미설정 1. Linear Layout요소를 배치할 때 한 방향으로만 배치함. 2. 방향 방향은 orientation을 조정하는데, vertical과 horizontal로 설정할 수 있음.vertical은 세로 배치, horizontal은 가로 배치를 의미.